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Jammy Guitar

How to drive user ship for the Jammy midi guitar.

This project was an overall assetment to see what come be done to improve the overall user experience. 

Step 1 //
Project Scope

Our first role to kick this project off was to level set expectations based on a 40 hour scope of work.

Step 2 //
Research and Analysis

We wanted to check out the marketplace to see what the competition is doing.

On top of looking at the market place the client did
have some past research we could dive into:

Past Research Doc

Step 3 //
Round 1 Iterations

After speaking with the client, doing some research and unboxing / taking the Jammy for a test drive ourselfves here are some iterations we came up with to enhance the user experience for a first time user.

Here is a video of me unboxing the jammy:

Step 4 //
User Interviews

We conduced three video interviews.

The client had some specfic users they wanted us to talk to and cued them up.

In a perfect world it would have been a mix of new and expert users but the folks we talked to had been using Jammy for a while and what I would call a "Super User".

User Interview.jpeg

User Interview Questions:

Step 5 //
Round Two Iterations

For Future
Plus Delta

Jammy is a really advanced product. In future I think I would have limited our scope some. Since they were asking for a lot within the 40 hours.


Some hardware features on the product just did not work. For me as a guitar player it made nearly unplayable and really made the rest of the project a real bummer. In future I think the client needs to address any hardware issues ASAP. I had mentioned this to them but after my initially test drive but they did not want to focus on that at the time. So I continued to work on edits to onboarding and app design.


Hopefully they take some of my recomendations moving forward. The client was super nice but I think since they are in start up mode they were kind of all over the place and I left feeling like they might not take any of my recommenations to heart.


In future if they want to work with a UX Design I think it should be someone who has a really really solid of DAE, Midi and Guitars. I felt like although I am a guitar player my lack of experience with MIDI and DAE really made onboard tough based on the limited amount of hours in the scope. 

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